Friday, August 16, 2013

Let there be light... oh, and a ceiling!

Okay all, now it’s getting real. There’s a ceiling in the bathroom! And, as you may have guessed from the title of this post, it comes with LIGHT!

This is wonderful because it means that there’s an end in sight. The only things to finish in the bathroom are: the sink, trim and painting, electrical (sconces and switches) and the last little things like a mirror, towel bar, etc. Well, and the door to the bathroom needs to be trimmed and hung. That might seem like a lot in that little paragraph but when you consider the original to-do list for the room was over 20 items long, its unbelievably close!

It's not a moment too soon either because we’re about to have another Roommate and she comes with a dog (a mini schnauzer mix for those who are curious). Collectively, I’ve decided to call them The Roommates (very creative, I know!). This is very exciting, of course, but also comes with lots of preparations.

Back to the issue at hand, check it out.

Here’s how my bathroom looked at the beginning of this past weekend:


The lack of ceiling along with the crumbling walls is lovely, don’t you think? I do think it’s a small improvement now that the ceiling is up and the fan/light is installed, however.

As I mentioned in last week’s post, I had to pull down the drop ceiling (surprise!) to find out that the wiring was old (surprise!) and that I couldn’t finish my bathroom last weekend (not that big a surprise).

We got the contractor back in and after an hour and a half of the three of us moving, cutting, propping and screwing in greenboard (again, that’s mold/moisture resistant drywall), I had a not-yet mudded and taped 9-foot ceiling! And drywall dust in my hair, but that’s a story for another day.

 We had suuuper technical propping tools:

Getting the ceiling installed was great and all – I couldn't do anything else until it was complete – but the crowning glory of the contractor’s visit was that which was already pretty much installed: the fan/light.

You don’t really think a whole lot about things like light fixtures until you have to take a bath by candlelight when you’d rather just have normal light. Naturally, I didn’t have the right bulbs (they have a special base) so I couldn’t see it immediately but it was worth the wait.

Check out the newly lit bathroom ceiling! Another week and we’ll be done! What parts of the final product are you most excited to see in the reveal? What’s your favorite so far?

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