Thursday, August 7, 2014

Demo day! An excerpt

As many of you already know, when we first moved into the House on the Isthmus, I lived on the enclosed front porch. Yes, it was a little cramped but not unworkable by any means.

Upon my parents' first trip to visit, however, we'd just found mold in the shower from the Saga of the Wood-Paneled shower and Isthmus House was becoming single-family a little ahead of schedule which meant I was moving upstairs. 

Funny story, though, my box spring couldn't make the trip. While my queen-sized memory foam mattress folds, my box spring did not and, no matter how much anyone pushed, was not coming up those stairs. Fortunately, my Uncle Paul saved the day and sent a folding box spring that could go right up the stairs. At the time, I didn't even know they made those!

When we first moved in, it just looked like your average bad paneling

Fast forward a little more than a year and subtract a little paneling and it's demo time at Isthmus House! 

Here's what we were dealing with when we started "demo"

The Roommates and I pulled down the entire hot mess that was the top of our stairwell to expose the vaulted ceiling. 

Getting started was as easy as pie - if pie were a hammer
I pulled almost all of the drywall down in hopes that an aforementioned box spring would finally make it up the stairs for one of the bedrooms and was sorely disappointed when we ran straight into the beams that had been added to hold up said "ceiling."

A short visit from the Sawzall later and one Roommate that wanted to blow off a little steam and we were in business. The box spring went straight up the stairs.

Lath, plaster and some electrical

So, now we have one more box spring upstairs where it belongs, but this all begs the question: what to do about this new, pretty picture?

Guess you'll just have to stay tuned to find out! Happy almost Friday!

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