Thursday, August 14, 2014

Our kitchen: version 3.81

There are plenty of tasks and projects around Isthmus House that are fun and make a big change. Others are not quite as entertaining but allow for a big change.

For me, one of those things was moving the kitchen gas line.

#TBT (That’s Throwback Thursday for those, like me, that need to Google such things), the range was against the foyer to kitchen door, preventing easy movement from the front of the house to the back.

It wasn't pretty (but, then, neither was the kitchen in general) and had to change a few months back. When we opened up the foyer door, the range moved into the corner next to our new, giant fridge.

The huge fridge blocked a good angle into the kitchen from the dining room, was too deep for the range to slide back against the wall and made it so space was tight trying to squish the range in next to the gas line.

That little jut out made a nice little space for trashcans...

Even though it was workable it certainly wasn't desirable and so the gas line had to move.

This is something you should not do yourself. On the off chance you don’t already know this: natural gas can be quite dangerous because it’s extremely flammable. Call your plumber.

First was turning off the gas. This part is rather important if you don't want to accidentally blow your house up which may be slightly inflammatory and exaggerated but certainly possible.

We didn't have a shut off for the gas here - we turned it off outside!
 Next was drilling a hole in my beautiful floors for the new gas line. I realize it had to happen but I'm rather sensitive to floor damage.

It's a small hole and it's covered by the new range too!
 Being an older home with lots of crossing lines, pipes and ducting, they also had a lot of fun cutting the old line and feeding a new one in:

Not the prettiest thing, but we got the new line placed in record time before the new range got delivered.

What do you think of our latest kitchen version? 


  1. Having had the pleasure of cooking on the new range, I love it (and the improved work flow)! xoxox

  2. You're right not to install it yourself. It's always a safer bet to get a professional to do sensitive things like installing pipes and stuff for your gas supply and such. And it looks like this task was a success. The range is in its own space now, so it won't bother people anymore. Great work!

    Laverne Knight @ Midland Mechanical

  3. Hi, Laverne,

    We love the new layout and feel and I love that I've only spent about $200 on everything (minus appliances) on the temporary update! You're right, it's so important to know what to do yourself and when to hire a pro.

    Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
